Aura Reading - Remote
Have you ever been curious about your aura?
Submit your first name (or the first name of the person for whom you want an aura reading), and I will use my super awesome intuitive magic to read your aura colors and texture (if applicable)!
I’ll send you a personalized doc with a listing of your aura colors (and other components, if applicable) with a general description of my interpretation next to each color/component.
What is an Aura? An Aura is the electromagnetic field around every living thing.
Kathryn has perceived auras around people since the age of 5 (although it’s probably been longer!)
Have you ever been curious about your aura?
Submit your first name (or the first name of the person for whom you want an aura reading), and I will use my super awesome intuitive magic to read your aura colors and texture (if applicable)!
I’ll send you a personalized doc with a listing of your aura colors (and other components, if applicable) with a general description of my interpretation next to each color/component.
What is an Aura? An Aura is the electromagnetic field around every living thing.
Kathryn has perceived auras around people since the age of 5 (although it’s probably been longer!)
Have you ever been curious about your aura?
Submit your first name (or the first name of the person for whom you want an aura reading), and I will use my super awesome intuitive magic to read your aura colors and texture (if applicable)!
I’ll send you a personalized doc with a listing of your aura colors (and other components, if applicable) with a general description of my interpretation next to each color/component.
What is an Aura? An Aura is the electromagnetic field around every living thing.
Kathryn has perceived auras around people since the age of 5 (although it’s probably been longer!)